Saturday, 24 January 2015


How to sum up the past few days? One word: Intense!

Yesterday, Derek talked about forgiveness. I'll quote him here:

"I truly believe that our only path to freedom is through repentance and forgiveness."

Repentance is not apology. Apology means saying, "I feel bad that I hurt you." Repentance is asking for forgiveness, deciding to change and then making a change.

I've struggled with forgiveness, because I didn't really know what it means. What does it mean to forgive people? From our class, here is are some lists that might help.

Forgiveness IS NOT
  • Excusing, minimizing, justifying, overlooking or tolerating sin
  • Getting even
  • Conditional (If they say sorry, then I forgive. If they do X, then I'll forgive.)
  • An obligation to trust
  • A feeling
  • A process (There can be process before and after forgiveness, but forgiveness is a choice.)
  • Forgetting
  • A one-time event (You may have to forgive the same person or action multiple times.)
  • Impossible
Forgiveness IS
  • choice based on faith and obedience to God
  • Doing to others as God has done to you
  • A healing agent for your relationship with God
  • Letting go of your rights to justice and anger
Our youth leader often says that forgiveness is taking someone of your hook, and leaving them to God.

Forgiveness is super important, because Jesus said that if we don't forgive others, God won't forgive us. Forgiveness has nothing to do with the other person; it's about our relationship with God. It begins and ends with God. Because God has forgiven us, we can forgive others.

We had some time where Derek let everyone write down who God wanted us to forgive, and why. Then we went through the list, and prayed to forgive those people. At first I thought, I don't know if I'll have many people to forgive. After all, I've grown up in a loving, stable home and community, and haven't had any crazy awful things happen to me. But I ended up with a page and a half of people to forgive.

God showed me that my response to people hurting me has been to overlook it, to say "Oh, they didn't really mean it, so I'll just let it go." And I thought I was forgiving. But forgiveness is not ignoring, excusing or justifying the sin and the hurt it causes. God made it clear that I had been wronged, that it was ok to be mad and hurt, because it was never meant to be this way. And strangely enough, that was what paved the way for true forgiveness. I had to admit that the other people hurt me, and that there was something to forgive.

After we prayed and forgave the people on our list, we went upstairs and threw the lists in the fire. It was done. Forgiveness really does bring freedom. I asked God to show me what forgiveness is, and he showed me part of it. Forgiveness is realizing that someone has wronged me and sinned against me and hurt me, and yet with God's help, I CHOOSE to give it over to God, turn the other cheek, and bless those people instead of curse them (however many times are necessary). That's what Jesus did.

There is no other word in English that means the same thing as forgiveness. It is its own thing, and the definition is found in Jesus.

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